Programs That Foster Connection
Where Minds Meet and Ideas are Developed
Our programs provide an academic forum for scholars across the ideological spectrum to convene, collaborate, and challenge ideas. Whether hosting an event or partnering with scholars to launch their own programs, we are committed to creating research communities that foster widespread human progress.
Events and Programs
Where Minds Meet and Ideas Are Developed
Our programs provide an academic forum for scholars across the ideological spectrum to convene, collaborate, and challenge ideas. Whether hosting an event or partnering with scholars to launch their own programs, we are committed to creating research communities that foster widespread human progress.
Discussion-Based Events
Delve deeper into the ideas that drew you to the life of the mind and discuss topics concerning liberal perspectives. Our events offer a variety of engagement opportunities, including academic seminars, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, designed to explore ideas with some of the brightest minds in the academy and beyond.
Graduate Student Support
Succeed and thrive in the academic job market with the help of IHS career support programs. These programs provide both aspiring and current graduate students with opportunities for research collaboration and learn from experienced faculty working within the classical liberal tradition.
Scholar Spotlight

”"The IHS reading group on Natural Law Liberalism was a really transformative experience for me; it’s going to change how I teach, how I think about liberalism, and it will help me help my students be better people and citizens."
Ben JohnsonPrevious IHS Event Partner