We want to help you discover your unique potential and advance a free and open society. Contact us to learn about how we can partner with you.
Contact Us
We want to help you discover your unique potential and advance a free and open society. Contact us to learn about how we can partner with you.
Students and Professors:
- For general inquiries about IHS and IHS programs: Questions@TheIHS.org
- For questions regarding funding for scholars: Funding@TheIHS.org
- For questions regarding events: Events@TheIHS.org
- For inquiries about donations: Donations@TheIHS.org
For specific inquiries, please contact these individuals and departments:
- Donor Events: Event Inquiries
- Planned Giving: Planned Giving Relations
- Donations and Receipts: Donations Relations
- For media inquiries, please email: Media Inquiries
Mailing address:
Institute for Humane Studies
at George Mason University
Vernon Smith Hall
1st Floor
3434 Washington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.993.4880
Toll Free: 800.697.8799
Fax: 703.993.4890