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Research Awards


Do you know a graduate student or junior faculty member doing exceptional research?

IHS is seeking nominations for impactful scholars conducting research relevant to IHS focus areas. Accepted nominees will receive $10,000 to use toward supporting their research.

You can make a difference in the career of a standout graduate student or junior faculty member by nominating them for a research award.

Two awards will be granted per IHS initiative for research connected to focus areas within those initiatives.

Nominee Eligibility

  • Is conducting research relevant to IHS focus areas
  • Holds a full-time graduate student, post-doctoral, or faculty position
  • Has a strong publication record

Nominations closed on June 30, 2024, and winners will be notified in mid-August.

Here is the timeline for our application process:

  1. Apply for a position 
  2. An HR team member will review your application submission  
  3. If selected for consideration, you will speak with a recruiter 
  4. If your experience and skills match the role, you will interview with the hiring manager
  5. If you are a potential fit for the position, you will interview with additional staff members
  6. If you are the candidate chosen, we will extend a job offer


All candidates will be notified regarding the status of their application within two to three weeks of submission. As new positions often become available, we encourage you to visit our site frequently for additional opportunities that align with your interests and skills.